If you have been attempting to increase your monetary state, but you just aren’t able to make any headway. It is almost certain that have this dread of wealth, and might not even realize it.
The destitute/poverty attitude is also known as the fear of more money. It can often become quite a big problem when you are attempting to better your currents funds.
If you set a thermostat on your air conditioner to 69 degrees, if the temperature in the air is below 69 it does not click on. The moment the air temperature goes above 69, the ac turns on and works to bring it back down to 69 degrees. When pertaining towards anxieties of obtaining wealth, people have a habit of having this backwards. The majority of people have an amount in their mind on how much money it will take them and their family to survive comfortably each year. This is not the ideal amount in their heads but it is the amount needed so It sticks out. Often times, once someone has successfully achieved that goal amount, they stop trying to advance or slow down on their efforts. This is the poor man’s mentality.
Researchers at IBM took men and women that were earning $40,000 a year that felt overworked and poorly paid. So they decided to give each of these people a $10,000 raise. The researchers anticipated that the people would work more efficiently because they were earning more. Unfortunately most of these people had the $40,000 mentality so when they were given a raise but the same job title, they worked 15% less.
Why is This Happening?
If you reviewed at your IRS tax records for the past couple of years and the number has stayed the same, even though you have been attempting to increase your wealth status, then you are most likely suffering from the fear of more money. You have a connotation with the word money. A connotation is when something in your brain is associating a deeper meaning or secondary meaning to a word. That connotation is deciding what your relationship and feelings towards money is. So your implication is most likely, “Some cash is ok, but too much cash is problematic.” Deep down you have linked something negative with obtaining wealth. Perhaps you associate money with extra complications, more obligation, jealousy from others, being considered stuck up, etc. Your brain has been taught that a certain amount of money is ok, but too much isn’t.
There should definitely not be that much bad relations with “obtaining wealth”. In fact, there should be a lot more positive associations instead. Becoming wealthier could mean more flexibility in your life, or being able to help others. Obtaining more wealth can open up a lot of doors and have a lot of positive outcomes.
We must pair more positive thoughts with the idea of more money in order to redraft the script of what it means to obtain more wealth. Only this will prevent you from self-sabotaging yourself when it comes to earning more. Think of a few optimistic things that could happen if you were to obtain more wealth. I myself, want to become a better husband, a better dad, a better human being all together. So if I am working at improving the other areas of my life, why shouldn’t I be trying to enhance my financial situation? Life can be far more efficient, more open, by obtaining more wealth.