Sample Story: (1:09)
I bought a home and hired a contractor to rehab it in order to resell.
I put the utility bill in my name and soon received the bill
The water bill was $2000 for one month
$1000 for consumption
$1000 for sewage
What did I do?
Find out the situation:
- I had my contractor look for a leak but he could not find one
- I then had my plumber take a look and he could not find one either
- Upon checking the meter, the plumber informed me it was not a mistake.
- There must have been a leak that the contractor had fixed when renovating
Poor Individual Attitude :
- Blame everyone else
- The utility company is a scam, or there must be some sort of mistake.
Wealthy Individual Attitude :
- takes the blame, learns a lesson, and pays up
- Wealthy folks define monetary losses as lessons
- The greater the loss the greater the lesson
Tip: (8:25)
- Keep a list of all of your financial mistakes/lessons
- Occasionally go over this list
- This will help you not make the same mistakes, which will save you money
- If you utilize the things you learn then you can always make more money
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